September 11 – A Moment of Silence


United Airlines 175

As we are all too poignantly aware, today marks the 10th anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. I am not going to take time to make any socio-political statements although, given the topic, it would be appropriate. All I am going to do today is reflect on those who lost their lives, their loved ones and those who survived with physical and psychological fallout to last a lifetime.

Ten years later as I reflect on the events, the graphic photos are still shocking and surreal as they are disturbing. The photos, videos and media coverage takes me back to that exact time as if it were yesterday. Like everyone else, I can remember exactly what I was doing when the attacks began. I was sitting at my desk watching financial news reporting on CNBC awaiting the stock market’s Opening Bell that would not happen on that day. In very short order, CNBC’s financial news reporting turned into firsthand Ground Zero reporting.

Today, as we all remember that fateful day, I will observe a moment of silence to honor the memories of those who lost their lives, the children left motherless and fatherless, friends never to be seen again, fearless first responders who literally gave their lives to help their fellow man — firemen, police officers, EMS workers and regular everyday people who became heroes in that moment.

I am forever changed by the events of 9/11 and the New York City landscape that I grew up loving and how it was changed forever in that instant. The indelible memories will never go away and the gratitude and thankfulness to God that neither I nor anyone I love lost life. I have always lived life abundantly but after 9/11, life has taken on a new meaning.

Yes, today I will observe a moment of silence and hug my son tightly just as I did ten years ago. September 11 a day that I used to honor the memory of my late mother who was born on this date, is now the day our world changed forever. I will never forget September 11….



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