PICS: Demoo Parkchoonmoo A/W 16 New York Fashion Week

Demoo Parkchoonmoo 12
Demoo Parkchoonmoo 12
Demoo Parkchoonmoo 12

Demoo Parkchoonmoo designs were striking at New York Fashion Week where she debuted her A/W 16 line at the Skylight Clarkson Square.  The theme of the collection was all about “Warmth”.  From the chunky sweaters to the colorful furs, it all was clothing that kept you warm, comfortable and fashionable for these cold winter days.  The color pallets were of black and white with a hint of warms tones, like earthy red.  Park prefers the aesthetics of simplicity by using black and white with a hint of color and layering pieces of her apparel.  This is has become a signature look of hers.

The designer known as Demi Park entered into fashion world back in 1988 in her native country of Korea.  She attended school for architectural design and then fashion school.  You can see her architectural background influences within her designs by the very structured pieces.  Her apparel was in such demand in Korea that she opened store and has created an additional collection within her brand, PARKCHOONMOO.

All in all the clothing was impeccably made and was a cohesive collection.  It encompassed “Warmth” from the black which is like coal to create heat, white that is bright like the sun and red that is like fire.  Here are some of the looks from the show.

Photography by Jamal Jarrett of 3 House Media



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