Morgan Heritage Hits Up New York Like A Perfect Love Song



The royal family of reggae music Morgan Heritage will be hitting up NYC with tour performances.  The rocking reggae family will be hitting the stages of NYC with concerts, intimate performances and album signing events!  One of their first stops is Brooklyn!  They will be headlining the Martin Luther King Concert Series at Wingate Park on August 5, 2013.  This concert is free!!  The park is located on Winthrop & New York Avenues in Brooklyn, New York.  This venue is great in that it has extraordinary acoustics and if you can’t see they even have jumbo trons set up on the side of the stage so no one misses a reggae beat.  Next stop is a album signing at the Veggie Castle in Queens at 132-09 Liberty Avenue between 132nd & 133rd street.  The event will be from 2pm – 3pm.  You can get your CD’s signed, take pics etc.  Then they will have their official album release party at SOB’s 200 Varick Street in NYC.  Tickets are $15.00 in advance.  Which event will you be attending??

Here is an idea of what you are in store for…’Perfect Love Song’ video:



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