Lauryn Hill Tax Evasion Sentencing Delayed

Lauryn Hill
Lauryn Hill
Lauryn Hill Faces Jail Time for Tax Evasion
Lauryn Hill Faces Jail Time for Tax Evasion

Former Fugees member, singer/rapper Lauryn Hill dodged a bullet yesterday when her tax evasion sentencing was suspended.  The judge in the case delayed the sentencing with the understanding that Ms. Hill will be settling her tax bill by the new court date of May 6.

Ms. Hill owes the government over $500,000 in back taxes but has reportedly only paid $50,000 thus far. If she doesn’t settle her bill, Lauryn Hill would face up to 30 months in prison.  Ms. Hill already admitted guilt in the case.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Madeline Cox Arleo seemed annoyed of the effort Hill has mad so far.

“This is not someone who stands before the court penniless,” Arleo said in a report to “This is a criminal matter. Actions speak louder than words, and there has been no effort here to pay these taxes.”

Hill’s attorney, Nathan Hochman says that the tax bill should be settled by May 3 thus avoiding any jail time.

Unfortunately, Lauryn still faces other financial woes.  According to the New York Post, Her landlord at her rented New Jersey home has labelled her a “squatter” and filed eviction papers against Ms. Hill.  And to add insult to injury, although the unpaid back taxes equal $504,000, when you add in civil penalties and interest total almost as much making her total amount due almost a whopping $1,000,000!!!

RCS SIDEBAR:  I certainly don’t want to see the mother of Bob Marley’s grandkids go to jail so let’s hope the bill is settled and she can move on with her life.  Good luck Lauryn!


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