In Wake of Jordan Davis Shooting Tragedy, Civil Rights Organization Urges Americans to Stand against ‘Shoot First’ Laws – Sign Petition TODAY!

17-year old Jordan Davis was senselessly killed on November 23 in Jacksonville, Florida

As the mother of a black male teenager and an agitator for change, I am always outraged, hurt, angry but alas, never surprised at the continuous senseless, thoughtless, and most often racist acts of violence against young black males in America.

In this most recent case of Jordan Davis, the unarmed black teen shot because his music was allegedly too loud for his white assailant, it is likely that Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law will once again take center stage.  These laws now exist in 24 states.  The law is dangerous and, in my opinion, unconstitutional and should be done away with.  The law amounts to a justifiable homicide law without needing any real justification!  WE MUST STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST OUR CHILDREN NOW!

ColorOfChange Exec. Director Rashad Robinson Issued the Following Message:

“Following the tragic shooting death of Jordan Davis, it’s expected that his killer, Michael Dunn, will claim the killing was a justifiable homicide based on Florida’s ‘Shoot First’ law. Just 9 months after the death of Trayvon Martin we are reminded how important it is to fight back against laws that enable a culture of senseless violence. The numerous vigils and community reaction across Florida and the US tell us that people are outraged, and our leaders need to listen.

“Florida’s dangerous ‘Shoot First’ law allowed Trayvon Martin’s killer to walk free without charges for more than a month. Shoot First laws legalize vigilante homicide, have demonstrated racial bias in their application, and, according to a growing number of research studies, have led to an increase in gun-related deaths in the more than two dozen states where they have been passed into law. Numerous experts have pointed out that these laws even go so far as to give individual gun owners a greater right to shoot and kill than the rules of engagement for our military during times of war grant soldiers in war zones. These laws must be reformed now to protect families and communities and prevent senseless deaths.

“Please join us in calling on elected officials in your state to stand against Shoot First laws.”

Click here to sign the petition calling for reform of Shoot First Laws.  Signing the  petition is a start but let’s not end it there.  Express your opinions by marching, protesting, writing to your elected officials, or by just doing something that brings attention and awareness to this matter!


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