First Annual Black Tie Gala to Benefit U.S. Virgin Islands – SAT Feb 17


Community Action Now presents the First Annual Black Tie Gala on Saturday, February 17, 2018.  This event will highlight the continued need for support of the long term recovery in the U.S. Virgin Islands with a focus on our most vulnerable population–the medical evacuees and their need for a strong infrastructure in the VI, the restoration of dialysis treatment and other medical facilities in the territory.

WSB-TV’s Chanel 2 Action News award winning  reporter Tom Jones will be hosting the event.  Atlanta has become the “hub” of over 95% of the medical evacuees. In the wake of the storms, Tom Jones went above and beyond the call of duty to cover Irma  and its impact on the Virgin Islands.  Tom Jones will serve as the Master of Ceremony.

The keynote address will be delivered by Virgin Islander award-winning author/journalist, and CEO of Nite Cap Media, Peter Bailey has made a commitment to continue speaking up and speaking out on behalf of Virgin Islanders in the continued need for support in the long term recovery.

This dynamic event will also feature special guest appearances, live performances highlighting the Virgin islands culture.

Seating is limited, get your tickets TODAY!


Community Action Now a social justice and disaster relief organization committed to fighting poverty through disaster response, education, advocacy, and outreach on a local, national and international level.  Learn more at


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