Are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Splitting?


Brad Pitt and Angelina JolieBlogs are on fire, television entertainment reporters are all a gaga and the Twitter is overcapacity over rumors that Hollywood’s first couple, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, is splitting. Who knows if this is true??? No one except Brad and Angelina. Over the weekend, a British tabloid in need of publicity reported the couple had not only split, but they also

finalized their divorce settlement to the tune of $205 million! That right there seems proof enough that the story is false because the couple isn’t even married! Both and People Magazine are also refuting the rumors. Red Carpet Shelley does not believe it either but then again who cares!!! Angelina dated a married man, Brad cheated on his wife and what goes around, what?? Comes around!!!!

Tongues were swaggering last week when Brad Pitt who appeared on the Hope for Haiti Now telethon, reportedly attended the event with his kicked to the curb ex-wife Jennifer Anniston!!!! I can’t make this stuff up folks. I will keep you posted on the Brangelina story as it develops…..

Picture: Kevin Winter/Getty Images


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