Why is the White Murderer of an Unarmed 17-year old Black Teenager Not in Jail?


17 year old Trayvon Martin was shot to death after returning to his father’s house after a trip to the candy store. He was shot to death by George Zimmerman, a “Neighborhood Watch” vigilante. I am sick and tired of reading about the violent shootings of unarmed young black males “in self defense”. It appears the mere state of being young and black in America makes you a threat to society.

Apparently, George Zimmerman believed just that when he called police to report the young man in the gated community. Despite being told not to take action, Zimmerman did just that and shot the unarmed teenager to death. Even more disturbing than the shooting of an unarmed black teenager by some “Neighborhood Watch” vigilante is the fact that Mr. Zimmerman was never arrested only questioned and released….PLEASE SHARE THIS STORY WITH EVERYONE and let’s demand justice for Trayvon!!!!!!

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