Did Wendy Williams Have A Stacey Dash Moment – Fans React!

Wendy Williams
Talk show host Wendy Williams


Popular daytime talk-show host, Wendy Williams has found herself in her own Hot Seat.  Today, during her “Hot Topics” segment, Wendy discussed the online petition to have Grey’s Anatomy actor Jesse Williams fired following his activist speech at this year’s BET Awards.  During her discussion, Wendy seemed empathetic with the petitioners when she stated that she would be “offended” if Historically White Colleges existed or if National Association for the Advancement of White People existed.   Really Wendy?

The ridiculousness of her statements caused an immediate online backlash by her very own Wendy show fans.  Here are some of their comments:

Wendy Williams Show you mention that you would be “offended” if there were historically white colleges or an NAAWP but the reason organizations like NAACP exist is because of the historical systematic, colonization and oppression of people of color by whites. Slavery and racism gave birth to these organizations without which many would not have educations, college degrees or a forum for the recognition of THEIR contributions to this country’s fabric of success. Wendy, as a black woman, you should get that….so your point is not comparing apples to apples. And, unfortunately, today racism is STILL rampant. How can Jesse Williams be defined as racist against whites when he is white too! One last point, how often have any of civil rights activists been accepted, loved and promulgated by White America DURING their lifetime???
Wendy Williams would not have a stage, a show, or a platform if not for all that the NAACP! She needs to stop and reflect on who died and went to jail so that she could have this opportunity! Completely disappointed in her ignorance trying to appease people.
You lost me today Wendy! As if black people had it so great and just decided they wanted a separate college education and thus created HBCU’s. You couldn’t really feel that way. Please tell me your producers or advertisers forced you to say that? Just terrible! Hell, most white people can tell you why we have HBCU’s. You had a Stacy Dash moment today honey!
Unfortunately Wendy’s comments today were not just “agree to disagree” they were downright dangerous and gives ammunition to ppl who will use the sanction of such ideas by a black person to support the abolishment of such necessary institutions. How can a group of people whose past and continued actions MADE such institutions and organizations necessary be offended by the existence of such. This makes me want to start a petition against Wendy. I used to adore this woman but this shows how one comment or action can REALLY forever change your opinion of someone. Her show can be cheap and cheerful and appealing to the masses without making such dangerous statements to appease a group of ppl over the expense of others. I would prefer her to just not address serious and/or racial topics than to open her mouth with such troubling statements. Truly a sad day for Wendy watchers.
I agree that Wendy should just stick to the mindless, entertainment and celebrity news minutia commonly referred to as “Hot Topics”. Wendy, I am a fan, and as a media personality I know how hard you worked to obtain your success which is why you should realize the ridiculousness of those statements.  Please refrain from making any more social commentary on race relations in America.
Open mouth, insert foot!

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