Melanie Amaro Breaks Out in V.I. Accent During X-Factor



X-Factor up and coming star Melanie Amaro tells People Magazine that she didn’t intend to reveal her Caribbean accent on Tuesday night. “To be where I am, from where I’m from, here today, is a big, big thing,” she said. “Not lots of people come out of the Caribbean to become big stars. I’m so humbled and so gracious and so thankful to be where I am that it just came out. I could not help myself.”

The British Virgin Islander broke out in her true Tortola V.I. accent when she became emotional during her X-Factor performance on Tuesday night. This is not surprising to Caribbean people. If you’re from the Caribbean and you get emotional, you will have a hard time trying to not speak in your first tongue — your accent. Melanie’s accent is part of who she is and now she is free to be herself. This is a true self emancipation. If someone doesn’t understand, they better ask somebody (like RCS!)j. Melanie has now put Tortola on the map for some folks…this is a great thing!!!

The talented 19-year old currently resides in Coral Springs, Florida but felt that she had to hide her accent in order to communicate better. “I would try to cover it up so that you could understand me,” she says. “Some people say they have a hard time understanding me when I speak.” However, X-Factor judge Paula Abdul’s comment to her last week really affected her, ‘Just let loose and be yourself’.

Yes, Melanie gwan chat de tings dem and big up de V.I. Massive!!!!


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