St. Kitts Nevis Flag to Fly on Wall Street in Commemoration of Andrew Hamilton


For this week, the St. Kitts/Nevis flag will be flying next to the American Flag in the middle of New York City Wall Street.  Hopefully, many people will research the flag and learn of my beautiful island of Nevis.  The flag is flying because of Alexander Hamilton. He died of gunshot wound on July 12, 1804 (aged 47 or 49) Greenwich Village, New York. He is buried at Trinity Church which is also in the area. If you didn’t know, Hamilton’s birthplace is Nevis, and his birthday is January 11 (Capricorn!!). 

Hamilton is credited as the founder of the United States financial system. The Nevis flag 🇰🇳 is flown every year for one week in his memory. 


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