WATCH VIDEO: Bishop Eddie Long Speaks


Today, Bishop Eddie Long finally spoke publicly about the sexual misconduct allegations that have been lodged against him. Bishop Long addressed the larger than normal crowd at the 8AM service and stated “I am not the man that’s being portrayed on the television…that’s not me…I’m not a perfect man but this thing, I’m going to fight”.

He talked about how all of us have to face difficult situations in life however, glaringly absent from the speech was a flat out denial. Many churchgoers expressed disappointment in the lack of a denial from the mega-church leader however, during the service the congregation showed unwavering supported for their beloved albeit beleaguered pastor.

This is obviously a complicated matter and the legal battle will continue for some time. This weekend another young man came forward and there may be more. Of course, Red Carpet Shelley will keep you up-to-date!


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