Lil Wayne Sentencing Delayed – AGAIN!!!!


Lil Wayne Americas Most Wanted Tour Atlanta

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire (well, the basement actually)!!! Lil Wayne’s sentencing in a New York City courthouse has once again been delayed due to a fire in the basement of the courthouse . That’s right, the New York City courthouse was on fire….I can’t make this stuff up!!! This is definitely the stuff that Hollywood blockbusters are made of! I cannot wait for the Eazy Breezy Weezy Hollywood movie!

The sentencing orignally scheduled for February 10, was pushed to March 2 (today) due to necessary grill removal surgery (don’t want to be in Riker’s with a $100K grill!). Now, the Young Money President will have to wait yet another day.

Lil Wayne pleaded guilty to attempted criminal possession of a weapon in October. Lil Wayne confessed to carrying a loaded gun on his tour bus in July 2007. He won’t be in NYC too long though because he is also facing trial in Arizona staring on March 30. The case stems from a border patrol stop where officers allegedly found a quarter-pound of marijuana, an ounce of cocaine, and 41 grams of Ecstasy AND, you guessed it a gun!

Faced with his impending imprisonment, Lil Wayne tweeted the following in the past 24 hours:

They kant lok up my heart bekuz y’all already have it on lok. ……thank u.

the F is for family,friends,and fans……….thank u………..your love and prayers are felt

yesterday i smiled,today i smirked,tomorrow i stop…….thanks for your thoughts and prayers,they’re needed

staying strong.

      The New York City sentencing is expected to occur tomorrow and Weezie will start his yearlong incarceration. Since Lil Wayne will be out of circulation for a minute, here’s some exclusive pics from his Atlanta tour stop last summer. Come back and visit him as often as you like!



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