BK Fashion Weekend Re-brands As Fashion Week Brooklyn


BROOKLYN, N.Y., —Over the last six years, BK Fashion Weekend, presented by the non-profit, BK Style Foundation (BKSF), has supported hundreds of talented fashion designers based in the United States and abroad. (BKSF) is proud to announce the re-branding of Brooklyn’s premier fashion and cultural event and the addition of three new partners. BK Fashion Weekend rebrands as Fashion Week Brooklyn with the intent to re-emerge as a International Fashion Design Powerhouse .   The mission of the foundation will remain the same and will continue to incorporate all of the artistic elements that added to the success of BK Fashion Weekend. The design, styling and production of Fashion Week Brooklyn will reflect the international appeal of the uniquely crafted event.

The next season of Fashion Week Brooklyn, “Be Inspired” Spring/Summer 2014 collections, will begin October 3 through October 6, 2013 at Industry City. For more information about Fashion Week Brooklyn and the featured designers this season,

In case you’re wondering why it’s necessary to “re-brand” this fashion event I can give you my opinion.  A few years ago the “Real Housewives of New York ” filmed at BK Fashion week and  NYC superstar housewives Ramona Singer and Alex McCord walked the runway while RHONY villain Jill Zarin watched from the front row.  Jill Zarin mocked and ridiculed the entire production and kept comparing it to the likes of Mercedes Benz New York Fashion Week down to the red carpet.  I remember that episode distinctly.  Not only did she verbally assault the runway show, she totally dissed Ramona as she made her debut walk in the now infamous episode.  Jill Zarin said “…she looked like a alien invaded her body!”  But her most memorable quote from that episode was “When I arrived at Fashion Week in Brooklyn, I was horrified. It was so low-rent. The [red carpet] was next to a heap…of trash. I’m speechless….I was so overdressed. I should have been in a wife-beater and jeans. I felt like a moron. I just couldn’t wait for the show to be over so I could get out of there.”  So the good folks at Brooklyn Fashion Week had to re-vamp, re-visit and re-brand the entire production!”  Thanks Jill!!

Please visit www.fashionweekbrooklyn.com for a stellar list of international fashion designers.


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