RCS EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Meet the Cast of Bravo TVs ‘The New Atlanta’


‘The New Atlanta” is the latest in a string of reality docu-series from successful Haitian producer Mona Scott-Young of Love & Hip Hop fame.  As a self-proclaimed, reality TV junkie, even I am starting to get tired of all the new shows…seems like there’s a new one every day and I cannot keep up!

After meeting the cast members, I thought, hmmmmm, yet another reality show and I am not too sure about whether or not its going to make the cut.  But after watching the first two episodes, it is clear that the cast members were being coy.  In only two weeks, there’s been glass throwing, party crashing, and even a robbery!

Hmmmm, maybe the show will be a hit, if not, at least a there’s good amount of drama for a reality junkie like me!



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