Rihanna Stands By Her Man and Goes to Court with Chris Brown

Rihanna Stands by Chris Brown in Court
Rihanna Stands by Chris Brown in Court
Rihanna Supports her boyfriend Chris Brown in court yesterday
Rihanna Supports her boyfriend Chris Brown in court yesterday.  Photo credit:  INFPhoto.com

Irony of all ironies!   Almost four years to the exact date of the Grammy beat-down incident for which they were in court yesterday, Rihanna came to court in support her  former abuser boyfriend, Chris Brown.

The court appearance  stems from an allegation by  the L.A. County D.A. that Chris Brown hasn’t served his community labor and should be required to do so.  Furthermore, the prosecutor wants Brown to complete the community service hours on the left side of the country i.e. Los Angeles!   Of course, Brown’s lawyer Brown’s lawyer, Mark Geragos, refutes these allegations and feels that the LA County DA has “tortured” his client.  Geragos also stated on CNN that Rihanna “thinks it’s utterly ridiculous what they’re doing to him,”

The Bajan bombshell recently discussed her feelings about her controversial relationship with Brown in an interview with Rolling Stone.

“He doesn’t have the luxury of f–king up again,” she insisted. “That’s just not an option. I can’t say that nothing else will ever go wrong. But I’m pretty solid in the knowing that he’s disgusted by that.

Rihanna may be a bit worn but she’s hanging in there as per her tweet this AM!


RCS SIDEBAR.  I don’t for one second condone Chris Brown’s behavior that got him in this mess, but doesn’t this D.A. have other more important ways to spend tax payer dollars like maybe throwing LIndsay Lohan in jail!   I’m just sayn.


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