PICS: Rainbow PUSH Atlanta Rev. Jesse Jackson 75th Gala

Powerful Women in Leadership Breakfast
Jesse Jackson cuts his 75th birthday cake
Jesse Jackson cuts his 75th birthday cake
The Rainbow PUSH Coalition hosted its 17th Creating Opportunity Conference in Atlanta October 20 – 22.  The conference is an informative event that supports the Rainbow PUSH Peach Street Project launched in 2000 to work for justice and equality in education, youth development, financial literacy, business formation and growth.
Rev. Jesse Jackson with Andrew Young to his left PHOTO: Zeribamedia
This year’s conference took place at several venues including Morehouse College, Center for Civil and Human Rights, and the Hyatt Regency Atlanta (Downtown).
This year’s conference also celebrated Reverend Jackson’s 50 year legacy of work and his commitment to economic equity as well as Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr.’s 75th Birthday.
Rev. Jackson with R&B singer Lloyd. PHOTO: Zeribamedia
Rev. Jesse Jackson with R&B singer Lloyd. PHOTO: Zeribamedia
“This is a special year because we are celebrating the work Reverend Jackson began 50 years ago with Opportunity Breadbasket in Chicago, Illinois.  We are fortunate to not only celebrate his work for over 50 years, but are also recognize this Civil Rights icon on this milestone birthday of 75 years, said Calvin Vismale, Director of the Rainbow PUSH Atlanta office.  “This represents the opportunity to give back to someone who has given so much to all and has made our lives better ,” said Vismale.
PHOTOS:  Zeribamedia
Powerful Women in Leadership Breakfast also took place featuring the Honorable Alexis Herman and honorees Mrs. Juanita Abernathy, Ms. Bree Newsome and Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd.  Mrs. Lisa Rayam, former TV News 5 anchor (FOX), will serve as the mistress of ceremony with entertainment provided by Ms. Regina Love, former contestant on The Voice, season 9.

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