Mutabaruka has been named the recipient of IRIE FM’s prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award. The ceremony was held on March 24, at the Kingston Technical High School.
The IRIE FM Lifetime Achievement Award first awarded in February 2017, is awarded annually to a Jamaican distinguished by a body of work that demonstrates outstanding and exceptional leadership, dedication and achievement nationally and globally, and who has shown exceptional leadership in industry advancement.
It also recognizes a Jamaican who has dedicated his/her life to a worthy cause or given to the community/nation in a major way.
Dr. Jimmy Cliff was the first recipient of IRIE FM’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2017, and Bunny Wailer received the award in 2018.
In a recent interview Muta spoke about how he became a radio personality and how he decided to keep on speaking the Jamaican language as he is comfortable with speaking it even though it cannot be written easily.
He said he didn’t think he would be so famous, because he started out writing his poems and hearing his Mother say he would never be able to earn a living from what he was doing, but he is now able to pay many bills with the money he has earned from his poems.
The Cultural Historian, Dub Poet, educator, radio personality and musician is never afraid to speak out about the problems he sees in society.