Jack and Jill Celebrates 60 Years in Atlanta


The Atlanta chapter of Jack and Jill of America celebrated its 60th anniversary Saturday night with a splendid gala at the Piedmont Driving Club. We are truly going to celebrate tonight, event co-chair Kimberly Evans Paige told the guests in attendance at the gala. We have doubled our expectations in terms of our financial objectives. ($120,000 was raised, twice their goal!). Charrisse Butler, a member of the planning committee, stated the event was “one of the most memorable Jack & Jill events ever” (and she looked beautiful in her blue designer gown)!

“Themed Creating a Legacy of Literacy, the gala benefited the Jack and Jill of America Foundation as well as The East Lake Foundation and Raising Expectations. All three organizations offer educational programming for young people. Kudos, to Ms. Butler and the other Board members their unrelentless work to make the gala truly a success by raising funds for worthy causes.

Her co-chair, Farah Fakir Cook, told the AJC As a child I dont think I understood the importance of Jack and Jill, she said. It really does foster a community.

The artifacts included the sign-in sheet from the chapters very first meeting, on Sept. 16, 1951. Today, the Atlanta chapter, with nearly 300 children, is the countrys largest.

Saturday nights crowd included chapter president Patrice Brown Greer. Jack and Jill means a way for me to broaden the horizons of my children and make sure theyre exposed to culture and philanthropy, she said.

National Jack and Jill president Tara Joseph-Labrie, vice president Tamara Turnley Robinson and numerous past Atlanta chapter presidents attended as well.

Jack and Jill members have had a major impact in the communities in which they live, Joseph-Labrie said. We are definitely in the business of developing leaders.

SOURCE: Atlanta Journal Constitution


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