Girl Power at 2010 Grammys – Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Pink Rock




The 52nd Annual Grammy Awards was probably one of the best Grammys I have seen in a long time. The performances were phenomenal. Here’s a summary of my favorite performances of the night. PINK!!!!! Pink turned Cirque du Soleil and performed a high flying performance hanging only by some white fabric and she was AMAZING! She was definitely my favorite performance of the night. If her singing career ever goes south she will have a career in the circus!! She is really flexible and I now know why her husband didn’t leave!

Beyonceat2010GrammysBeyonce gets my vote for second best performance. Beyonce busted a few dutty whine moves (for my non-reggae heads, if you don’t know about Dutty Whine – you betta ask somebody!!!) B looked stunning and came on stage with an army of soldiers! Sasha was Fierce and took home six Grammys (setting the record for most Grammys in one night by a female!!!) including Song of the Year for Single Ladies. Best Beyonce moment of the night was when B publicly announced to the world that she loves her husband Jay-Z (even Hova seemed surprised!!). Everyone was all a Twitter about this but she is married to him people – of course, she should pay him homage!!!

Another great performance Elton John and Lady Gaga – now that was history in the making!!! This performance will probably go down in the books as one of the best Grammy performances ever simply because Elton John is a living legend! Did you see when they threw Lady Gaga into the incinerator – dyam!!! It was crazy and so was her red carpet outfit.  Its all fun and games until somebody loses an eye!

All in all a great show!!!  Check out the pix!







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