Ethically Sourced Products from Grenada Available at AfroDeity



Online retailer AfroDeity has added more ethically sourced products to their already growing range of hair & skin products from or inspired by the Caribbean. The newest additions are natural skin care products made with nutmeg from Grenada created by family company Albertha’s Garden.

Alicia Thornthwaite founder of AfroDeity said “The ethos of Albertha’s Garden directly complemented those of AfroDeity. We love that Albertha’s Garden ethically source nutmeg, nutmeg butter and nutmeg oil from Grenada and create products using these ingredients for a UK audience. They also support the ethics of fairtrade by working closely with nutmeg farmers in Grenada

Albertha’s Garden products are paraben, SLS and lanolin free. The nutmeg is hand picked in Grenada, and the products are created right here in the UK. Albertha’s Garden founder Karen Welch recently said in an interview “If you have great skin, our products will keep your skin looking healthy, if you have any skin ailments, our products will help to heal and repair the skin” Nutmeg from Grenada is another ingredient from the Caribbean which has many natural healing properties including: soothing skin problems like eczema, relief of arthritic pain, and is a natural preservative, which helps in preserving the skin.

AfroDeity features and retails Caribbean Inspired natural hair and skin products. The ultimate goal is to help small farmers in the Caribbean and reinvigorate the declining agricultural industry by bringing natural healing oils and butters to the UK. AfroDeity was founded around the knowledge of healing herbs, oils and butters passed down through the generations and culminating in a descendant’s great interest in science. As such combining beauty, science and their commitment to the rural Caribbean.

AfroDeity is best known for their main product line the signature Fountain Jamaican Oils Collection from which products are a mixture of oils and herbs grown in Jamaica and is exclusive to AfroDeity’s Online Store. With products from Grenada they have added another wonderful ingredient from another island in the Caribbean, which will hopefully help another Caribbean community.

Albertha’s Garden natural skin products can be bought directly from AfroDeity’s Online Store. For further information or photos, please contact AfroDeity Ltd on You can also find AfroDeity on Twitter(@afrodeityltd), Facebook(AfroDeity-Ltd) and Instagram(afrodeity_ltd)


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