Caribbean Artists ‘UNiTE to End Violence Against Women’


David Rudder, Destra Garcia (T&T) and Nelly Masud Sadiki (St. Kitts) Participate in U.N. Violence Against Women Workshop

The statistics regarding violence against women in the Caribbean is both disburbing and alarming. Today, according to the Ibero-American Youth Organization reports, at least one out of every three women under the age of 35 has experienced gender-based violence during her lifetime. To combat this, the U.N. created a campaign “UNiTE to End Violence Against Women” and invited 26 artists from Latin America and the Caribbean, to participate in a workshop. Kurdos to Destra Garcia, David Rudder and Nelly Masud Sadiki for their participation!!

The workshop is being held in Panama City from Sept. 28-Sept. 30. During these three days, these musical, visual and performing arts artists will come together and through their artistic creativity generate compelling messages and other initiatives to raise awareness of and advocate for an end to this scourge of violence against women and girls.

Caribbean regional statistics on the incidence of violence against women show that between 2002 and 2008, 20% of homicides in Barbados were domestic-related and victims were all females. In Trinidad, there were 434 reported rapes in 2009, with domestic violence applications constituting approximately 19% of all magistrates court matters. In the Bahamas 17% percent of deaths/homicides in 2007, were as a result of domestic violence. In St. Kitts sexual offences accounted for 24% of the assizes list in 2009 and in Jamaica 49% of girls surveyed between the ages of 15-17 reported some level of coercion.

These statistics, while alarming, do not come close to the total reality: they just point to a few cases of violence against women and girls since out of shame or fear, the victims often do not report these occurrences.

Efforts therefore are being galvanised to:

  • Generate creative ideas to promote equality between men and women to bring an end to violence against women and girls.
  • Create awareness about the underlying causes and triggers for the different types of violence that are perpetrated against women and girls (physical, psychological sexual and economic violence)
  • Promote engagement with the leaders in the community and popular culture who can play a key role in efforts to end violence against women and girls.

    Guest artists are as follows:

    Jonathan Harker (Panam), Mikey (Barbados), TC (Barbados), Aja (Barbados), Tio Simpatia (Brasil), Phajsi Teatro (Bolivia), Miguel Solari (Costa Rica), Diana Avella (Colombia), Haila Mara Monpi (Cuba), David Torrens (Cuba), Stharre (Dominica), Paola Villacs (Ecuador), Alexia Miranda (El Salvador), Javier Ortiz (Guatemala), Lucy Argueta (Honduras), Magos Herrera (Mxico), Gaby Baca (Nicaragua), Marcelo Medina (Paraguay), Yenia Rivarola (Paraguay), Wendy Castro (Per), Pavel Nez (Repblica Dominicana), Nelly Masud Sadiki (St. Kitts), David Rudder (Trinidad & Tobago), Destra Garcia (Trinidad & Tobago), Santiago Tavella (Uruguay), Mara Ins Caldern (Venezuela), Maringel Ruiz (Venezuela).

    Activities will begin on Wednesday September 28 at 8:00 with welcome remarks and presentations on the situation of violence against women in Latin America and the Caribbean and the leading role that artists can take. On Thursday, September 29 the artists will hear first hand from victims and survivors of violence and other persons who have been affected by GBV. On Friday September 30, the organizers and artists will present the workshop outputs at a press conference.

    The sensitivity of the artists, who responded to this call, helps us to recognise that it is everyones responsibility and not just the duty of care of the State to prevent the spread of a culture of tolerance towards violence against women and girls.

    Additional information about Secretary Generals Campaign UNiTE to End Violence Against Women available at:;


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