Beyonce’s Video Phone Banned in Germany – Will Others Follow?


Triump UnderwearBeyonce in Video Phone


Queen Beyonce fresh off a stellar showing at this years Grammy Awards has Sony’s bikini panties in a wad! Seems that Beyonce’s music video for “Video Phone” contains copyrighted imagery in the form of her bikini!! European underwear manufacturer Triumph claims the outfit worn by Beyonce in the video is an outright forgery of their originally created design by Iskren Lozanov and sued Sony to stop distribution . I agree they do look alike- what do you think??

The claim was reviewed by a Munich court and they upheld the injunction which bars Sony from distributing the “Video Phone” music video in Germany. To no avail, Sony argued that the designs were not copyrighted and, in fact, were inspired by the artist Picasso. Sorry Germany, no Beyonce for you but here’s the video for my readers!!!




c: singersroom



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