And The Winner Is… 2014 Miami Broward Carnival Results Are In!

Mas Brothers Band Wins Miami Carnival 2014
Mas Brothers Band Wins Miami Carnival 2014
Mas Brothers Band Wins Miami Carnival 2014
Mas Brothers Band Wins Miami Carnival 2014
Miami-Fl-Miami Broward Carnival culminated their week-long Carnival festivities with the celebration of #MiamiCarnivalTurns30 at the Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition Inc. with thousands of Carnival revelers who joined in the celebration of Caribbean culture. The masquerade bands were judged for visual impact, creativity/authenticity, clarity of theme, color,  and presentation. Mas Brothers won the coveted title of “2014 Miami Broward Carnival Band of the Year”.
Mas Brothers Band Wins Miami Carnival 2014
Mas Brothers Band Wins Miami Carnival 2014  Photo:
They also celebrated  2014 Miami Broward Female Individual of the Year – Marie Smith- Portrayal “Mongolian Princess” (Mas Brothers and 2014 Miami Broward Queen of the Year -Sheila Boyd –Portrayal– “Prince Lieu Hanh”-Mas Brothers).
2014 Miami Broward Carnival Winners
1.Mas Brothers Producer Inc.- Portrayal-Fantasy “Peep of the Orient”
  1. Mascots International-Portrayal-”Mi Vida Caribena”
  2. Euphoria Mas-Portrayal-”Let’s Dance”
Miami Broward Carnival 2014 Best DJ
  1. DJ Eternal Vibes & Mark D- Wassi Ones
  2. DJ Esan & Milo Myles-Euphoria Mas
  3. DJ Ruan-Mascots International
Miami Broward Carnival 2014  Best Playing Steelband
1.Silver Stars USA Steel Orchestra-Happiest Man Alive
  1. Pantastik Steel Orchestra-Feel Like Dancing
Miami Broward 2014 Road March
1.Minister of Road-Machel Montano
2.Ah Feeling-Lead Pipe Featuring Saddis
3.Haunted-Machel Montano
Miami Broward Carnival 2014 Female Individual Of The Year
  1. Marie Smith- Portrayal “Mongolian Princess” (Mas Brothers Producer Inc.)
  2. Sophie Patel- Portrayal“Z’Elphaba” (Ti Chapo)
  3. Abby Olurin Portrayal “The Queen of the Atlanteans”-Party Room Squad
Miami Broward Carnival 2014 Male Individual of the Year
  1. Jerry Villias-Jean Portrayal-”El Dorado- Tales of the Lost City of Gold-Party Room Squad
  2. Victor Williams-Portrayal “Massai Chief” (Pantastik)
  3. Courtney Richard Whiteman-Portrayal “Phi Tale” -Mas Brothers Producer Inc.
Miami Broward Carnival 2014-Queen of Carnival
  1. Sheila Boyd –Portrayal– “Prince Lieu Hanh”-Mas Brothers Producer Inc.
  2. Juanita Armogran-Portrayal-Epic Sunrise”- Major Players
  3. Shanice Adderly- Portrayal– “La Cotorra”-Mascots International
Miami Broward Carnival 2014 King of Carnival
  1. Jean Pierre (“JP”) De Gannes- Portrayal- “Anansi-The Trickster”-Mascots International
  2. Noel St. Lawrence-Portrayal- “Lion Fish from Poseidon’s Kingdom”-Generation X
  3. Jahmal Webster-Portrayal -”Protector of Poseidon’s Treasure”-Party Room Squad
Miami Broward Panorama Champions 2014
1. Pantastik Steel Orchestra
2. Silver Stars USA Steel Orchestra
3. Karibbean Knights
4. Sticks ‘N Tones
5. Resurrection Steel Orchestra

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