is all about Caribbean culture and Red Carpet Shelley is the multi-faceted media personality, entertainment journalist and driving force behind The website is a multi-media portal that covers Caribbean entertainment, music, culture and news both locally and internationally. Shelley is passionate about cultivating, perpetuating and bringing awareness to Caribbean culture.
Originally from the U.S. Virgin Islands and a descendant of St. Kitts/Nevis, her extensive travel in the U.S., and abroad particularly in the Caribbean, has given her a global appeal to those who appreciate diversity in media reporting especially from a Caribbean viewpoint. Her unique style and tell it like it is- approach makes her a favorite amongst the Caribbean community. You can catch up with Shelley on her website, the radio waves or on a red carpet near you!
Celebrities interviewed by Red Carpet Shelley include Taraji P. Henson, Roger Bobb, Mavado, Gyptian, Lady Saw, Marcia Griffiths, Ky-Mani Marley, Beres Hammond, Mr. Vegas, Konshens, and the list goes on.
If its Caribbean, its on!