King of the South T.I. Makes Public Appearance


BET’s reality show T.I. and Tameka 'Tiny' CottleTiny & Toya taped a a show and benefit concert earlier this week at Opera night club. Attendees were surprised when Tameka Tiny Cottle’s man, T.I. made a surprise appearance. “I am very well, very happy to be seen,” said T.I. at the event, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Its believed to be his first public appearance since leaving prison. The event, “For The Love of Our Fathers”, a fundraiser for Alzheimer’Tameka 'Tiny' Cottles research, included performances by Kandi, Jaheim, Pleasure P, The Tams (which includes Tinys father Charles Pope, and her brother Little Redd); The OMG Girlz (which includes the daughters of both Tiny and Toya), QT Jazz and Lil Shun and New Nu (from T.I.s Grand Hustle label).

The night ended with Tiny returning to the stage to perform with her former Xscape member Keisha Babi. The two are now going under the name GA Peach. The surprises for the night was not over though! Awaiting Tiny outside of the club was a blue Porsche adorned with a a bright red bow to match her new hairdo!! You go girl, you got your man, your career, a new look and a Porsche!

T.I. is currently residing at a halfway house in Georgia and is expected back home soon. He is reportedly working on a new album and has a movie Takers scheduled for release this summer. The movie also stars Zoe Saldana and Chris Brown. Hurry back T.I., we miss you!!!!!


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