Designer Angela Brejt Shows A Trashy Collection

Super hero chic!

By Dawn Holloway

Super hero chic!
Super hero chic!

BK Fashion Week is Brooklyn’s premier fashion and cultural event.  The event kicked off in the industrious Sunset Park (affectionately known as Industry City) with a host of designers from the US and around the world including Africa, Spain and Poland.  Polish designer Angela Brejt showed with color, fantasy and Trash!

Angela Brejt is a designer who hails from Poland.  Her collection is called “Trash” and is collectively designed with cooperation from high tech graphic design artists.  Her bold vivid prints are reminiscent of comic book characters with a feminine twist. She showcased very whimsical and conversational pieces.   Her line consist of only 4 to 5 copies that are made in total because she wants the woman who wears her clothing to feel special and unique. If your style rocker chick chic, then this collection is right up your alley!   Here are a few pieces from “Trash”.

Photos by Celebrity Stylist & RCS Fashion Correspondent Dawn Holloway


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