Rihanna Speaks Out on Collaboration with Chris Brown


After igniting a firestorm of criticism for her with decision to work with R & B singer Chris Brown last month on two remixes, Bajan-born superstar Rihanna is finally speaking out. Speaking with entertainment personality, Ryan Seacrest, the singer said that her motivation is strictly musical as Chris Brown is one of the hottest R&B artistes right now. The R&B/pop singer in explaining the reason behind collaborating with her ex-boyfriend (the same one who assaulted her in 2009) on “Birthday Cake”, says it’s “innocent.”

“I reached out to him about doing ‘Birthday Cake’ because that’s the only person that really — it made sense to do the record,” Rihanna told radio host Ryan Seacrest. “Just as a musician, despite everything else, that was going to be the person. You know I thought about rappers, and I’ve done that so many times, and the hottest R&B artist out right now is Chris Brown.”

Rihanna also revealed why she then recorded vocals for Brown’s single, “Turn Up The Music.”

“We did two records,” she told Seacrest. “One for my fans. One for his fans, and that way our fans can come together. There shouldn’t be a divide. You know? It’s music, and it’s innocent.”



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