WATCH: Nicki Minaj ‘Pat Di Pum Pum’ at VMAs, Calls Out Miley Cyrus Too!

Nicki Minaj wearing Trinidad Carnival-inspired performance costume for the 2015 VMAs
Nicki Minaj wearing Trinidad Carnival-inspired performance costume for the 2015 VMAs

Last night, Trinidadian bad gyal Nicki Minaj brought Trinidad Carnival to the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards.  Minaj opened the show with a medley of recent hits “Trini Dem Girls” and “The Night Is Still Young” and “Bad Blood” with Taylor Swift.

Nicki Minaj wearing Trinidad Carnival-inspired performance costume for the 2015 VMAs

Besides the high energy performance, the Trinidad Carnival-style costumes were incredible! Nicki Minaj is definitely doing her job to bring exposure to Trinidad and its world-famous Carnival! That’s the good news…..

Nicki Minaj wore a metallic gold sheer dress by Labourjoisie with pearl accents valued at $15,000
Nicki Minaj wore a metallic gold sheer dress by Labourjoisie with pearl accents valued at $15,000


The bad news (well at least for Miley Cyrus) was at the end of Nicki Minaj’s acceptance speech for receiving the Hip Hop Video of the Year Nicki Minaj called the 2015 VMA host a “Bi*%ch”!!!  LAWD A MERCI!

The whole beef stems from a Miley Cyrus New York Times interview where she commented on Nicki Minaj’s statements about “Anaconda” being snubbed for Video of the Year:

“If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year. I’m not always confident. Just tired. Black women influence pop culture so much, but are rarely rewarded for it.”  ~Nicki Minaj

During the NYT interview, here’s what Miley had to say in response:

“If you do things with an open heart and you come at things with love, you would be heard and I would respect your statement. But I don’t respect your statement because of the anger that came with it.  And it’s not anger like, ‘Guys, I’m frustrated about some things that are a bigger issue.’ You made it about you. Not to sound like a bitch, but that’s like, ‘Eh, I didn’t get my VMA.'” ~Miley Cyrus

Will somebody please let Miley Cyrus know that yes, discrimination, bigotry and racism are VERY personal!   Spoken like the privileged, white person that Miley is, she has never experienced racism.  Racism is not a kumbaya moment!  I agree with Nicki Minaj’s statement.   Black women’s influence on American pop culture is huge however our reward and recognition is minuscule!  Miley please have a seat or two!



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