Trinidadian Wayne Frederick Named President of Howard University

Trinidadian Wayne Frederick Named New Head of Howard University
Trinidadian Wayne Frederick Named New Head of Howard University
Trinidadian Wayne Frederick Named New Head of Howard University
Trinidadian Wayne Frederick Named New Head of Howard University


Trinidadian Wayne Frederick was voted the 17th president of Howard University, in Washington, DC, by the university’s board of trustees after being unanimously recommended by the Presidential Search Committee (PSC). A graduate of St Mary’s College, Wayne Frederick, MD, MBA, FACS, originally from Opal Gardens, Diamond Vale, Diego Martin, and grandson of late attorney Charles Tyson, has served as the university’s interim president since last October.

He enrolled at Howard as a 16-year-old and earned a dual BSc/MD degree programme at 22, then went on to a surgical residency at Howard University Hospital. He completed a post-doctoral research fellowship and a surgical oncology fellowship at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre, then earned an MBA degree from Howard’s School of Business.

Now a respected scholar, surgeon, researcher and administrator, Frederick previously served as Howard’s Provost and chief academic officer, charged with oversight of Howard’s 13 schools and colleges, as well as its health sciences enterprise.

Frederick’s mother Frances Tyson-Frederick, primary care manager of the North West Regional Health Authority, St George West, said yesterday: “I feel humbled by my son’s achievement and I thank God for this blessing. He deserves it because he has been a good child. I trust in God and raised him to trust in God.

“He is a very good surgeon and very good administrator. When I was there for his graduation I kept saying to myself, when he stood at the rostrum to deliver the speech as interim president, I kept saying to myself, ‘Is that my son?’ as the tears welled up in my eyes. “Wayne is going to be a good president. He is also a good husband and father. I always communicate with my boys and communication between parent and child is critical.

“We still have a lot of hope in Trinidad with young people like Wayne who are contributing and willing to give back to this nation. I have three sons and never had any kind of difficulty in bringing them up. I know there is hope for young people in this wonderful nation.” Frederick is quoted as saying in a release from the university: “I am deeply honoured to be selected by the board of trustees to lead this great university.

“Howard University has been an unparalleled catalyst since its founding, opening doors and expanding opportunities for untold individuals while driving research, innovation, service, and excellence. “On the cusp of our 150th anniversary, I could not be more humbled to accept the mantle of leadership and embrace the sacred trust of our motto, Truth and Service.”

According to the university release, the PSC, chaired by Vernon E Jordan, Jr, comprised all the university’s stakeholder groups and included Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed and California Attorney General Kamala D Harris. After conducting an exhaustive national search, we identified a finalist pool, comprised of both internal and external candidates. From this stellar group, Dr Frederick stood out as supremely qualified, remarkably motivated and uniquely suited to lead Howard University.”

Also quoted in the release, board chairman Stacey J Mobley said that Frederick “brings insight, energy and the requisite vision to advance the Capstone through collaboration and engagement.”


Source:  Guardian News


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