Rihanna Visits Her ‘GranGran’ in Brooklyn

Rihanna with GranGran Dolly
Rihanna with GranGran Dolly

Bajan popstar Rihanna came to Brooklyn yesterday to pay a visit to her grandmother.  Riri affectionately calls her grandmother “GranGran Dolly”.  This picture is simply priceless — there’s nothing like family!

Rihanna Visits Grandmother in Brooklyn

Grangran has not been doing well lately so Rihanna came to pay her a visit.   We will keep Grangran Dolly in our prayers.

RCS Sidebar:  Notice how simple Rihanna looks, especially her hair? Riri knows better than to show up to Grangran with her hair looking crazy (i.e. fire engine red or platinum blond).  She is a true Island girl……when you go home to the family you better recognize or dem will chat bout you!


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