Rainbow PUSH Atlanta 17th Annual Creating Opportunity Conference & Reverend Jesse Jackson 75th Birthday Gala



“Converting Opportunity to Wealth in Our Community” Celebration of Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. 75th Birthday and 50 year Legacy

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition will host its 17th Creating Opportunity Conference, October 20 – 22, 2016.  The 17th Creating Opportunity Conference is an informative event that supports the Rainbow PUSH Peach Street Project launched in 2000 to work for justice and equality in education, youth development, financial literacy, business formation and growth.  This year’s conference will take place Thursday at Morehouse College and the Center for Civil and Human Rights, Friday and Saturday at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta (Downtown).

This year’s conference celebrates Reverend Jackson’s 50 year legacy of work and his commitment to economic equity as well as Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr.’s 75th Birthday.  “This is a special year because we are celebrating the work Reverend Jackson began 50 years ago with Opportunity Breadbasket in Chicago, Illinois.  We are fortunate to not only celebrate his work for over 50 years, but are also recognize this Civil Rights icon on this milestone birthday of 75 years, said Calvin Vismale, Director of the Rainbow PUSH Atlanta office.  “This represents the opportunity to give back to someone who has given so much to all and has made our lives better ,” said Vismale.

This year’s conference focuses on the continued Civil Rights struggle of today, economic equity.   The theme is “Converting Opportunity to Wealth in Our Community” filled with sessions and activities that will provide its attendees:

  •  Informational sessions covering wealth creation, technology, public policy, community development and stabilization, health disparity and youth focused programs.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Morehouse College, Shirley A. Massey Conference Center
Bank of America Auditorium
830 Westview Dr SW, Atlanta, GA 30314

  • Creating the Black Tech Ecosystem panel discussion.  Information, advice and exposure to Angel Investors such as Michael Ross, financial institutions and bankers such as Jerome Russell from Citizens Trust Bank.
  •  Focused on digital entertainment, Digital Capital: The Quest for Appropriate Capital, featuring entertainment executives and the process of raising capital.
  • Strategy Luncheon: Piercing the Capital Veil honoring  inventor technologist Lonnie Johnson, inventor of the SUPER SOAKER.
  • Business pitch competition finals, PUSHTech 2020 Think Tank, featuring innovative entrepreneurs who can win up to $5,000.

National Center for Civil and Human Rights
100 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

  •  Intergenerational Mixer and conversation with Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. at the Center for Civil and Human Rights.  This exciting event is an opportunity for youth and young adults to engage in discussion on Civil Rights and today’s role.


Friday, October 21, 2016
Hyatt Regency Atlanta (Downtown)
265 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30303

  •  Powerful Women in Leadership Breakfast featuring the Honorable Alexis Herman and honorees Mrs. Juanita Abernathy, Ms. Bree Newsome and Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd.  Mrs. Lisa Rayam, former TV News 5 anchor (FOX), will serve as the mistress of ceremony with entertainment provided by Ms. Regina Love, former contestant on The Voice, season 9.
  • Public Policy Roundtable focused on the Black Vote featuring Joe Neal, Marilyn Stevens, Atlanta Councilman Ceasar Mitchell, Georgia Representative Floyd Makissick, Georgia Senator Gail Davenport, Michael Thurmond, former Georgia Commissioner of Labor and South Carolina Senator Marlon Kimpson.
  • Annual Minister’s Luncheon featuring Dr. Kevin W. Cosby, St. Stephen Church, Louisville, Kentucky and Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes, III, Friendship-West Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas.
  • Community Stabilization and Financial Readiness session.  This workshop will provide discussion and information with Robert Smith from Wells Fargo and Maurice Coleman from Bank of America.
  • Panelist from Marta, GDOT, Georgia Port Authority, ARC, The Partnership for Southern Equity and Project Urban Renewal Energy will engage in an informative session, Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy, Utilities and the Environment focusing on key drivers of economic growth through public, private and philanthropic partnerships.

Hope is Alive Awards Gala
Hyatt Regency Atlanta (Downtown)
265 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30303

  •  Blockbuster annual Hope is Alive Awards Gala celebrating the 75th Birthday of The Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. recognizing Mrs. Helen Price, President-Coca Cola Foundation, Mr. Leroy Johnson, former State Senator of Georgia, Attorney CK Hoffler and Nathaniel Goldson, Founder of Gourmet Services, Inc. 
  • The Hope is Alive Awards Gala will be hosted by, WSB-TV 2 Anchor Dave Huddleston and CBS 46 morning  Anchor Gloria Neal.  It will also include special musical presentations by various music artists, from Lloyd, Phillipia and  Teresa Hightower to Reverend Jackson’s daughter Ms. Santita Jackson.   A special tribute is planned including Civil Right foot soldier and Icons.   This exciting celebration will be topped off with a surprise guest DJ.

Saturday, October 22, 2016
Hyatt Regency Atlanta (Downtown)
265 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30303

  •   Focus on health disparity with former Surgeon General, Dr. David Satcher including health care experts from Peace Medicine Institute and Wellstar.
  • Community Economic Development session to discuss the tide of gentrification and displacement looking at best practices with experts such as Marta Director of Real Estate, Richard Slayton and Detroit Economic Growth Corporation Executive Director, Roderick Miller.
  •  Saturday youth focused events and activities including Wells Fargo Bank’s Monopoly teaching money management life skills; Interactive session on Coding, Gaming and Virtual Reality; The Game of Chess and learning winning strategies for life management by Orin Hudson, chess champion and motivational speaker recently tapped by Disney to help promote film “Queen of Katwe” with actress Lupita Nyong’o .

This wide array of events and activities provides a wealth of experiences.  To register on Eventbrite, go to www.rainbowpushatl.com.



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